Monday, September 9, 2019

Why the name "Bluestone."

Thanks for stopping by. 

I am a hobbyist woodworker, and I currently don't sell my work.  If you've bought something from me, well, that's changed. 

I inherited my love of "making" from my parents. My father had a garage full of woodworking tools when I was growing up, and my mother frequented several craft shows annually, displaying and selling her wares. When I was about eight, we moved into a new house with a pink stone veneer, and my mother starting calling her craft business "Rosestone Cottage Creations."

I recently bought a new home that was a bit of a fixer-upper.  The brown house with brown-painted brick has been updated, and now sports Adirondack Blue paint and, you guessed it, bluish-grey stone.  The name "Bluestone," therefore, is an homage to my mother's entrepreneurial spirit that I hope to someday carry on. 

As of right now I mostly just make items for my home and gifts for family and friends.  Some day I hope to discover my niche and start selling my creations as a side hustle. In the meantime, you may occasionally find a picture here of my creations, but mostly this blog is a placeholder for now.



Why the name "Bluestone."

Thanks for stopping by.  I am a hobbyist woodworker, and I currently don't sell my work.  If you've bought something from me, well...